Hope. Heal. Thrive.

Children and Family Services

In-Home Recovery Program

Program Requires a Referral Through DCPP

recovery programs nj
Substance abuse in-home recovery

Healing at Home

Keeping Families Together

Removing children from their homes is traumatic. The trauma it creates can follow them throughout their lives. Treating parental substance use in the home prevents the trauma of separation and helps to repair and strengthen the family. In addition to counselors providing substance use treatment and child/parent relationship counseling, family support specialists help families gain access to community resources. The program also promotes awareness and understanding of childhood development to support positive parent/child interaction.

Program Director: Deb Galletta, LCSW

In-Home Recovery Program (IHRP) is an intensive in-home clinical treatment program for families with young children (under the age of 6) who may be at risk in the home due to parental substance use. The primary goal of the program is to keep families stable, safe, and together. The program is open to Ocean County residents only, and the parent must have screened positive or reported for substance use in the previous 45 days.

Get The Help You Need

Make The Call

Call 848-245-2718 or email dgalletta@preferredbehavioral.org

Get A Referral

A completed referral form from DCPP is required for this program.

What Happens Next?

Info is gathered from DCPP and the clients, and if the parent is eligible and interested, treatment sessions will begin.

In-Home Recovery

How the program works

This intensive program is one of the first of its kind in New Jersey. A team of two licensed clinicians and one family support specialist provide substance use treatment and child/parent relationship counseling. A psychiatrist is available to the team to assist with medication management.

Treatment typically lasts six months to one year, and families in the program will have access 24/7 for crises and emergencies and will have phone access to their team members daily. The program is funded by the NJ Department of Children and Families, and supported by Rutgers University and the Yale Child Study Center.

Connect to Home program is a Housing Voucher Program funded by The Department of Children and Families through a state grant. The services are provided where most convenient for the young adult, usually at home or in the community.

NJ Substance Abuse Recovery Program
NJ in-home recovery programs

We're Here To Help

Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If your child is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of harming themselves, you must take them to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.