Hope. Heal. Thrive.

Adult Mental Health Services

Justice Involved Services

Program Requires a Referral

Justice involved Services | Mental Health incarceration
Justice Involved Services NJ


Help To Live Your Best Life

The impact of mental health issues can make everyday interactions challenging and lead to misunderstandings and entanglements with law enforcement. Program services include:

Program Director: Anna Kline

The Justice Involved Services (JIS) program breaks the cycle of arrest, re-arrest, and incarceration of individuals with serious mental illnesses who are, or will be, charged with nonviolent offenses. Through collaboration with the criminal justice system, other mental health providers, and family members, we support individuals in fully integrating into their own community and reaching their goals.

Get The Help You Need

Make The Call

Call 732-323-3664 or email akline@preferredbehavioral.org

How To Get Help

Call 732-367-4700, x6124 or email dbatiuk@preferredbehavioral.org for more information or a referral form.

What Happens Next?

The referral will be reviewed for eligibility and services will begin if appropriate. There is no fee for this program.

Community Collaboration

For a Brighter Future

Justice involved Services of Ocean Country is a joint effort between Preferred Behavioral Health Group and the RWJ Barnabas Health Psychiatric Emergency Screening Services (PESS), the criminal justice system, family members and other mental health providers to help prevent individuals with severe mental health issues being accused, arrested or charged with non-violent crimes. Non-violent offenders who reside in Ocean County and have a major mental illness may be eligible for this program. Individuals must also be 18 or older and voluntarily willing to participate in the program. Discharge criteria includes successful linkages to necessary services, resolution of legal issues, and a stable mental status for at least 90 days.

mental health arrest
mental health police program

We're Here To Help

Preferred Behavioral Health Group provides multiple youth and adult services to address emotional, mental, and behavioral health issues. However, some situations require different services. If you or a loved one is experiencing life-threatening danger or the immediate risk of self-harm, go to the nearest emergency room or dial 911 for immediate assistance.